Публикувано в Serbia - Забавление - 03 Apr 2019 23:17 - 29
Hello to all,
I find this resistance war mission so frustrating! Why? Because we 2 clickers dont use any scripts, so its very problematic to complete this resistance war mission. We want to be able to finish up missions like others. We spend no more the 30 minutes per game, when missions are active. So we are respectable members of any community in erevollution. Please respect us and enable to solve this mission for 15 golds, or just cancel it. Everybody who is with me, please write on general chat:
Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
We can not resist you Govedo!
You will not complain against me Govedo!

Govedo, i will make pressure on you baby!
Lets have some outdoor activities Govedo!

Happy 7528. new Serbian year Govedo!

Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
I find this resistance war mission so frustrating! Why? Because we 2 clickers dont use any scripts, so its very problematic to complete this resistance war mission. We want to be able to finish up missions like others. We spend no more the 30 minutes per game, when missions are active. So we are respectable members of any community in erevollution. Please respect us and enable to solve this mission for 15 golds, or just cancel it. Everybody who is with me, please write on general chat:
Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
We can not resist you Govedo!

You will not complain against me Govedo!

Govedo, i will make pressure on you baby!

Lets have some outdoor activities Govedo!

Happy 7528. new Serbian year Govedo!

Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve for 15 golds!
KosingasMermesteseVokasidjurdjoguzvic209LordMarlockBunnyliuM4gnusVELIKINarlindirLiamTatlockPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooPsyhooooAridanraSulaRedWolf77ArkantosArkantosHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERJohnadiNimesinAlejandro Martin SanchezMoonshadowmacolmssteppenwolfLiamTatlockRodjoCedasteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfsteppenwolfHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHUNTERHidorionBaron VBaron VBaron VJerryZGBZatezniКоментари (29)

Samo Jako, Samo Govedo. o7


Posto nece obrisati misiju evo da podelim sa vama kako sam ja presao misiju iz 4-5 pokusaja digao 3 rw, prvo nemojte koristiti stopericu its nadjite na internetu ukucajte server time na googlu udjite na prvi link i tu je vreme sinhronizoovano u sekundu sa erevom onda na erev tools probajte naci RWove koji su dignuti jedan za drugim ima ih par u vrememu 00:00-02:00 erev time npr dva RWa koji su dignuti jedan za drugim u razmaku od manje od 5 minuta i propustite taj prvi jer svi ce se zaleteti na njega i cooldown im nece dozvoliti da pokusaju taj drugi tako da vam je konkurencija otpala tu. Jednostavno na ekran podelite na jednu stranu prozor sa vremenom na drugu spremite RW i dignite u vreme zapisano na erevtools i laganica. Cak je i moja bakuta resila te misije za 3RWa
srecno o7

Djurdjo, you need to speak english when our great Govedo speaks english. 

Necu taktiku da odajem strancima

HAhhahahahahahaha.. To si upravu, povlacim primedbu 

Pa što onda pišeš latinicom? Ako hoćeš da se ne odaješ strancima samo šatrovački na ćirilici i ćao

Unvoted. Missions represent a challenge, not only for the challenged one directly, but for everyone who control nevereding RWs. Some chaos will not harm. You can stop completing missions if you do not like or cannot into them.


Može i 25g, jer se 10 vrati (barem kod ove druge)

You will be able to complete this with gold. The Admins have declared that very clearly.
I agree that this mission was pretty stupid.

You need no scr.ipts for these missions (neither for the 1 RW nor for the 2 RW-version). What you do is extreme patience and some extra work, which indeed cannot be expected from everyone, lest from 2-clickers. But then how are 2-clickers supposed to do ALL missions anyway?!


@Govedo - ako pishe cirilicom, onda Google Translate odradi posao... Ovako je bolje...

Ya gaste mas de 15g y aun no puedo abrir una

Delete resistance war mission, or enable quick solve!

Stoperica je mama. Na erev tools vidis kad se zavrsio prosli rw, dodjes otp 10 min ranije kliknes i upalis stopericu, onda znas kad da kliknes sledeci put, dodas samo 1 sekundu na to i udri

(fap fap fap) voted (fap fap fap fap...)

I agree
Y están sabrosas las rucas


Quick solve for 99G is ok or at least for 49G

you need to be active to complete missions! I m against RW missions but you re wrong!

Otis je presao te misije 

zar ima još botina koji ovo nisu prešli

koja rw misija..... treba mi 7 zaposlenih da rešim poslednju žutu 

Yessssss babe

It s a difficult mission, I m stucked there in the green row, so bad