Публикувано в United States of America - Забавление - 15 Feb 2019 13:54 - 36

Greetings my dear players,
Many of you know me under other nick and that will be Shiroe. Those who played erev 1 and other game know who I am, those who didnt i am Lord Shiroe, master of ultimatums, dictator, shadow player etc etc for this 10 years of my playing this kind of games i rise from unknown soldier from first game to the i can say one of legendary players in this kind of games.So to skip to my point of this article:

1) JedanJedini in him i found loyal and hard working friend so some other game i will make sure to get you out of shadows and make you shine in this game till your nick dont echo through whole game world. It will be my honor and pleasure to play with you again.
2) Safer for him i first though he is stalker because his first msg-s was like i know about you i researched you so i was like wtf is going on ahahaha later when i get to know him better i found out that he is one of most honorable players i ever meet in this games so next one we will play together for sure.
3) Brotherhood of Steel in this short time i got to know this crazy mofos time spent with you guys was full of laugh and crazy so next time we meet each other we will do some crazy things for sure.
4) Georgian Commando i did have honor to personally help them make unit, made them organization and equipped with tools required for MU and very quickly they become one of most scary units in game, hope so in future we will play together again.

RadovljeHarisharkopetros2KamKoktabMerkoDrethNemetonAlexander95BlackfuryReady Too DieLifesaverMDieselKoukoumafkaSr JasonKillemachineКоментари (36)

Podrska druze ! Nadam se da ces se nekako pr islit

Nice player leaving game... good luck o7

De ti napisi na nasem, ne da mi se transletovat
inace dobijas bolesnih slika Harke :p

farewell bro, was nice to have you there, one day we`ll still play together o7

ne smem s tobom kume čelave ti gume :/

Hail Shiroe! O/

Was nice to playing with you bro! o7


Lord Shiroe xD sad kase nisam usro, pa ko te tako zvao sabane mawi xD

Hvala na svemu momak, ne bi ovo bilo toliko zanimljivo da nije bilo tebe. Velika cast biti ucen od strane tebe, kao I velika cast poznavati te. Igracemo mi jos mnogo ovakvih igara o/

Hail Shiroe !!! #ProtestOnVisa . We will meet again o/

ill allways remember you when i look in the mirror and i see my bald head o7

o7 viđećemo se mi ope

Sretno dalje njabe o7

vidimo se na nekom drugom serveru

good luck my old friend we have been sometimes rival sometimes working together but I always admired your leadership skills even though I didnt like some of them maybe too harsh for my play style but without doubt with you leaving game , this game will lose one of its most valuable assets farewell and hope to see in other better places

You will always be Lord Shiroe the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnKhsTXoKCI

shit : (

Sretno u RL njabe
Nemoj zaboravit dobrog starog Seretona

dobro kažeš 

o7 brate

Sve najbolje u RL o7

Farewell. I m almost out of this too.

I m useless!!! Bb

good luck

love you shiro ♥♥

Shiroe Nooooooo 

Hail shiroe see u for sure

Ok, I forgive you.

Waitin for you in 2

Loser shiroe good choice..olo

Totally agree with pay to win!!! I m thinking to leave this game to, it s time to prevent them the joy of win only because they have bought their way!!!!

Siempre te corres, arrugador


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