Публикувано в Bulgaria - Забавление - 13 Feb 2019 01:23 - 62
Dear players,
here we are again with some of the latest news and updates. There will be some small changes as of Feb 14.
First of all, we'll start with increasing strength. All players who have below 2500 strength points will receive additional +30 strength points every time they train (there won’t be additional training ground, just add-on on the current one).

On Feb 14th, every player that logs in will receive a small gift. It is Valentine’s day and we love you guys and you deserve a gift from Admin team. IF you log in on Thursday, you will receive the following gifts:
- 7 arrows for the Cupid event
- 7q3 missiles
- 14 energy bars
Also as of the above mentioned date, we will change the rewards from the Cupid event. So you can have some other resources, and it will be more fun if you have other rewards.
Rewards from Cupid event until 14.02 and new one:
Reward is 100Q3 weapons not 1000Q3 weapons (sorry for typos)

We’ve received plenty requests to return the Speed Week with x2 energy recovery. The Speed Week will be active in the week from 04.03.2019 to 10.03.2019 (last day). We are trying not to give x2 energy week too often because there is lack of food in the game, and we don’t want you guys to starve :) We hope you will enjoy it.

The Act of War is coming back on March 4th! For those of you who don’t remember or weren’t around the last time, it is an event where you use your fighting skills to receive some great prizes. The event consists of 3 segments: fighting for your country (True Patriot medal), fighting for your country’s allies (True Ally medal), and fighting in resistance wars (on the side of the resistance) (True Revolutionary medal). Each type of fight comes in three stages: Bronze stage, Silver stage and Golden stage, based on the amount of hits you need to make to p each of them. After you complete a certain stage, you will receive one random prize from four ones ociated with that type of your progress. We won’t reveal the potential prizes, at least for now.
There will be one small change - the True Patriot part can be ped by using weapons or RPG only. So to repeat, you can choose the order of completing (the pace for TP/TA/TR progress), but the order Bronze-Silver-Golden is obligatory for the each. Your progress will be saved for the next day, so you don’t have to complete all of it in one day.
You can view your progress in the event window. Green arrow means that the stage is completed, red arrow that the stage is in progress and grey arrow is for the inactive stage.
Buying packs with money
Due to many complaints, we decided to place a cooldown period for buying Energy packs with euros. After you buy an Energy pack, you will have 7 days cooldown period before you are able to buy a pack again.

Allow me to express my opinion, mainly because of smaller players that don’t have the chance to catch up at the moment you guys with big amount of damage. We respect all of you, players that support us and give us positive comments, and players who provide constructive criticism. We are trying to make a game that lasts a bit longer, and provide you some kind of event the whole time or as often as possible. We are not going to interfere in game politics or organization. That is not our intention, we won’t make alliances for you or play the game for you. Just guys, don’t be harsh to each other. This is a game, you should get to know each other and respect your friends and enemies. Who knows, maybe today’s enemies will someday become allies or vice versa. You do realize that in the game you only have 2 sides, winner or loser. If there is war, someone has to win it, there can’t be 2 winners and 0 losers. I hope we will make this game playable as you want and make both sides happy at least from our part. The rest is up to you.
Since we received a lot of complaints regarding buying Energy Bars for money, we would like to inform you that we won't implement cooldown for buying Energy Bar at this moment. Allow us to state our reasons - we didn't notice that there is a big war going on in game for some time, and that we are making big changes affecting its course and that is not our intention. Admin team is here to provide you game, events, missions, all the other stuff that will amuse you and make you play this game. Maybe we will be harsh when we say that we don't care who will win a war, either it be Turkey or Serbia or Spain or Mexico or India, for us is the same thing who will win it.
Please notice that when the war comes to an end, we will again publish the start date of placing cooldown for buying Energy Bars and for how log.
Today/Tomorrow all participants of the war and their representatives will receive a message about our intentions and detailed explanations after talking with several players from both sides.
Also please notice that our intention is not to drain your money (we don't have a lot of useless companies to spend gold on like similar games). Our intention is to make this game last longer and that every new player can make his spot in game.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
here we are again with some of the latest news and updates. There will be some small changes as of Feb 14.
First of all, we'll start with increasing strength. All players who have below 2500 strength points will receive additional +30 strength points every time they train (there won’t be additional training ground, just add-on on the current one).

On Feb 14th, every player that logs in will receive a small gift. It is Valentine’s day and we love you guys and you deserve a gift from Admin team. IF you log in on Thursday, you will receive the following gifts:
- 7 arrows for the Cupid event
- 7q3 missiles
- 14 energy bars
Also as of the above mentioned date, we will change the rewards from the Cupid event. So you can have some other resources, and it will be more fun if you have other rewards.
Rewards from Cupid event until 14.02 and new one:

Reward is 100Q3 weapons not 1000Q3 weapons (sorry for typos)

We’ve received plenty requests to return the Speed Week with x2 energy recovery. The Speed Week will be active in the week from 04.03.2019 to 10.03.2019 (last day). We are trying not to give x2 energy week too often because there is lack of food in the game, and we don’t want you guys to starve :) We hope you will enjoy it.

The Act of War is coming back on March 4th! For those of you who don’t remember or weren’t around the last time, it is an event where you use your fighting skills to receive some great prizes. The event consists of 3 segments: fighting for your country (True Patriot medal), fighting for your country’s allies (True Ally medal), and fighting in resistance wars (on the side of the resistance) (True Revolutionary medal). Each type of fight comes in three stages: Bronze stage, Silver stage and Golden stage, based on the amount of hits you need to make to p each of them. After you complete a certain stage, you will receive one random prize from four ones ociated with that type of your progress. We won’t reveal the potential prizes, at least for now.
There will be one small change - the True Patriot part can be ped by using weapons or RPG only. So to repeat, you can choose the order of completing (the pace for TP/TA/TR progress), but the order Bronze-Silver-Golden is obligatory for the each. Your progress will be saved for the next day, so you don’t have to complete all of it in one day.
You can view your progress in the event window. Green arrow means that the stage is completed, red arrow that the stage is in progress and grey arrow is for the inactive stage.
Buying packs with money
Due to many complaints, we decided to place a cooldown period for buying Energy packs with euros. After you buy an Energy pack, you will have 7 days cooldown period before you are able to buy a pack again.

Allow me to express my opinion, mainly because of smaller players that don’t have the chance to catch up at the moment you guys with big amount of damage. We respect all of you, players that support us and give us positive comments, and players who provide constructive criticism. We are trying to make a game that lasts a bit longer, and provide you some kind of event the whole time or as often as possible. We are not going to interfere in game politics or organization. That is not our intention, we won’t make alliances for you or play the game for you. Just guys, don’t be harsh to each other. This is a game, you should get to know each other and respect your friends and enemies. Who knows, maybe today’s enemies will someday become allies or vice versa. You do realize that in the game you only have 2 sides, winner or loser. If there is war, someone has to win it, there can’t be 2 winners and 0 losers. I hope we will make this game playable as you want and make both sides happy at least from our part. The rest is up to you.
Since we received a lot of complaints regarding buying Energy Bars for money, we would like to inform you that we won't implement cooldown for buying Energy Bar at this moment. Allow us to state our reasons - we didn't notice that there is a big war going on in game for some time, and that we are making big changes affecting its course and that is not our intention. Admin team is here to provide you game, events, missions, all the other stuff that will amuse you and make you play this game. Maybe we will be harsh when we say that we don't care who will win a war, either it be Turkey or Serbia or Spain or Mexico or India, for us is the same thing who will win it.
Please notice that when the war comes to an end, we will again publish the start date of placing cooldown for buying Energy Bars and for how log.
Today/Tomorrow all participants of the war and their representatives will receive a message about our intentions and detailed explanations after talking with several players from both sides.
Also please notice that our intention is not to drain your money (we don't have a lot of useless companies to spend gold on like similar games). Our intention is to make this game last longer and that every new player can make his spot in game.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
GergitaHan AsparuhKvii left game day671BlackfuryeVokasiKomitaКоментари (62)

First.Nice strength update

quelle vie

use your fighting skills to receive some great prizes, remind me again what kind of skill are involved?

Very nice changes and add-ons. You are on the right path in my oppinion and you should keep walking down on that path.


Finaly some good news!

Nice o7


i like it

no missile dmg correction...

All updates are pretty good. Thanks Admin to heared our voices.

Like It, o7

Very cool, wish to see more changes like these ones.

good stuff 

Cooldown could be longer but that s a good update anyway

CD is good ❤️ o7

you sure about the 1000 q3?

idtt +1

Very good!!!

Proposal: Make last week of every month Speed week?


Finally cooldown. THANKS!

Whole game itself was created on base which was against Pay2Win system, so good that you at least added cooldown.

Everyone is weak against visa. Thank you, admin o7

Yes very good.

Great o7 congratz

Not many changes but good ones, continue like that

Ahora si esta bueno esto saludos o7


muy bien =)


Cooldown and strength, good job, keep on o7

Wise words. More fun less drama

Rip Q3 weapons market lol


Nice one

finally good changes

Nobody says it is not good, this is really something good


Nobody says it is not good, this is really something good


Please admins dont be like admin on .

thank you, admin! now I feel more motivated to play this game

Admin ,you wrote in article that one of the prizes will be 1000 q3 wep. So make a correction because truth is that prize is a 100 q3 wep.

Very nice! Thanks!

1000 q3 weapons or 100q3 weapons?

So lame...

Just try to make seasons system

Logical move. Don t bite the hand that feeds you.

give me contacts of your layers so I can suе you for changing the contracts after they are signed

CD was good idea. Don t kill the game, put back cool dawn. It is not about the balance, it is not about the war, it is for everybody!

Why you changed the cool rewards from the event with craps???

The cooldown would be healthy for the game community... Although it is obvious that you want to make money, right now the pay to win is ridiculous and it s killing the game. Losing is not the problem, the issue is that players are fighting against the wallets of several people.
You should either set the purchase limit or just set a maximum amount of energy bars that can be consumed per week. (which is kind of similar)
Or think of something else... it s your game.

we don t have a lot of useless companies to spend gold on like similar games
r u joking admin most useless company in your other game.

Keep the Great Job. o7