The War Cry

Публикувано в Serbia - Политически дебати и анализи - 30 Jan 2019 14:35 - 28<br/>
"Hey faggot, return gold"

"nope :d, you know you can get ban for that? xd"
"what for?"
"for multi acc"

"My wife has right to play"
"I told u nicely once"
"I won't repeat myself"
"You won't return it?"

Up to this point I was joking and i wanted to send him gold I don't care about one gold but he started acting cocky so I responded in same manner.

Video saying that I won't give it back xd

I explained him that he didnt need to accept contract and that I would lose 0.2 gold and move on. Also told him to chill coz he obviously has 2 accounts. He told me to try and prove it. And that last is : "We are done forever" a lil bit of drama :d

I told him that his wife should contact me about gold xd
And he told:  "My wife will never answer you"

Recap: "Shove gold up your a**"
"You are kicked from MU"
"No more country daily wep for u"
"You are added to blacklist"
"Shove gold up your a**"

No pls ahahaha

Basically he was aware that I wanted BH medal in battle so he told me I won't get it and that he ll take all my BH medals and make me leave game...Also that I have to play for 2 months for 15m DMG and that for him it's 1 day.

And then they ask players why they leave Serbia... He was CP of Serbia, stole gold and went to USA. (Also his ``wife`` account (xD) also went to USA. Few days ago he returned he's at head of military unit along with his other acc. GG Serbia.

 I am not used to writing this type of content as my subscribers know xD So stay tuned for some statistics articles in following days. 


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Коментари (28)

Hahahahaha Spellz ti si teški panj odi ubij se zbog jednog golda ako hoćeš ja ti ga vratim
hahahaha umreću
My wife hahhahahahaha
Ne zna se koje veci derp od ove dvojice Laugh
Great sry sto sam tebi uzeo Sad al treba mi gold da zavrsim misije xd
ahahahhahaha kakvi carevi
Da li je istina da si zbog ovoga izbacen iz MU?
Haha shamefull, o7 Wolf you re a great player
You can have 2 accs/ip, my dog play too and he also love asuka Smile
Bice sredjeno Wink
Justice for Wolf
Cime se vi bavite Laugh
poyy za ženu
Ocekivan clanak.. Pisaces ih jos.. Laugh
Deja vu
hahahaah vidi Šprcl što preti crnim listama....obistinila se moja prognoza, pašće ozbiljno ronjenje suza....vidim ja da Nilson ima kandidata za titulu dno dna
Ovaj sprcl je tenkre :-)
Odakle spriclu pravo da nekom uskrati drzavne podele? Smile
Spelzova žena heroj a ne zlocinac!
Ahahaha mozda sprcl umesto da preti treba zeni naocare da kupi :-)
Wife is innocent!!
lel spellz and his wife XD
yep not funny because for example I play from my boyfriend s comp sometimes :/
Omg xD
@SilverMohavvk , do you also accept contracts 1food for 1g , i would like to send it
come to greece its always better here Smile