Публикувано в Brazil - Забавление - 20 Jan 2019 17:17 - 43
Lets see if Erev its homofobique or not...
Pls support me if your not homofobique and if you are go to then :D

Ps: this article its just for fun and laught
Pls support me if your not homofobique and if you are go to then :D

Ps: this article its just for fun and laught
God RaDon Juan CorleoneNebadinPumbaaTheWarthogIgnis17Коментари (43)

Gays reached erev? wtf guys run

Fuck off with that gay shit. it doesnt grat you any special privileges, it just makes you more of a spack-tard

Are traps gay?


Nope im a homophobe

why @Brisleain

Nope Im a homophobe ×2 :v

@Script remember our conversation about this? There ya go x)

I like trapsss

There is 2019, hence your flag is wrong.

Support o/

get well soon

Are you rich??

Gayness levels over 9000

no Im not rich
but i will be one day


Than you are not gay you are obicni peder 

LOOOL ahahahaha that was good xD @don Juan Corleone how can i be rithcer to be a good gay guy?

Danider like this article

@barrocaduarte you must sleep with stifler he is rich gey gay guy

Hm thats a good idea that rich gey gay goy gay will make me rich

Yes but be careful he have Kitakosalama 

i don t need to have sex i just need to steal him and get the money

Hmmm you must zrtvovat your as* if you want be rich, he said 1cm 1k euro 

1cm? wtf?
1 cm of what?

1cm in you 1k euro, 2cm 2k e.....

but 1 cm of what?

So creative

Good for you 

Homophobe? Why would anyone be scared of fagg0ts?

Georgians like this article.


You should try pussy

hm why Toran?


Wat??? Last one to close the door!

you go to hell xD

You are kinda cute you know

You are crazy. Go check yourself. Or better go out to the street or students town and check you the super hot Bulgarian girls. Pick any 2 and they will change your sexual orientation overnight for few sweet words. I understand why people in western Europe become gay just by looking at their women. But in Bulgaria gay people are insane !!! Or in Macedonia or Serbia or Russia or Ukraine. There is no way. You should be seriously messed up under your hat, if you are gay and live in any of above mentioned contries

@A333 :dddddddddddddd

never been to georgia. not sure about girls there ....

I mean real country Georgia. I had layover in Atlanta Georgia few years ago and since I m racist kept my eyes off nigga bitches there. But they should be as ugly as every other black shit everywhere

Homosexuals are gay! (captain obvious)