Публикувано в United States of America - Политически дебати и анализи - 15 Jan 2019 17:42 - 18

RomperRomperRomperDieselRenardJorgeGaming23ktabJomiabeLordMarlockCandidato OficialBardiaBardiaBardiaBardiaBardiaBatko BatistutaCypherZeparjedimindtrickTripleKolaDeportadoPourdevilleSnow SundayКоментари (18)


haj ne seri


Totalmente de acuerdo! 👏👏👏 más la excelente calidad de la publicación y en los dos idiomas 👌👌👌

Finally a good article, support


oh yes, the spanish poodle with his owner Dani.

Papa Luís 51 Will bless you @Governador

Does this ignoramus Govedonador know anything else to say than pre-programmed responses like puppet ? He must be an NPC added by the admins!

Totalmente de acuerdo! 👏👏👏 más la excelente calidad de la publicación y en los dos idiomas 👌👌👌 x2

1. The talk was with ace 2. The same part it was deleted from danis article was in my article response. Good luck

@petros2 As I told you privately, the article is not about who is right. The article is a message for the administration, a suggestion based on its rules. If your twisted vision wants to see it as propaganda, it is your view.

Governador - the poodle of Yoda and Celio who became a straydog mercenary, because he was not good enough for his owners.


Political correctness is total bull$hit, couple of months ago my article was deleted as well, because of Discord SS s
I hope we all agree than fre of speech is important aspect of this game, especially in journalism.