
Публикувано в Indonesia - Забавление - 06 Jan 2019 10:44 - 28


tedo123Immortal gurdpetros2blick skullBrisleainDesteroid

Коментари (28)

Hail IB o7
Do you really have a swastika on your logo?...
❤️❤️ we are bastards ❤️❤️
@cypher swastika existed long before nazis took it as their symbol, i dont see anything offensive in it
I know, but today it represents something else
Not our problem si t es une baltringue cypher Hail IB o7
Fake IB
Hail OFC o7
+1 Cypher, although I understand the graphics came from a popular movie its best for everyone if the swastika was removed.
Forrtitudine if that was a true argument, swastika wouldn t have been banned as symbol in EU. Good luck with MU o7
swastika removed o7
Hmmmm another Merc MU Laugh I wonder where the countries will go?
Admirable, 2/4 founders were rejected entry into OFC so they made a knock-off version of it, never stop following your dreams
Good luck o7
o7 Nice name , nice pics
good luck o7
Good luck o7
Gl guys and most important have fun
Where is the swastika ? I can t find it And I think there is nothing bad in it
Indonesia ga ada yg komen?
Harus ada indo yg komen? Wkwkwk
I like how sjws get triggered every time.
Bastardo xD
yaudah komen deh