Публикувано в United States of America - Финансови анализи - 25 Dec 2018 03:59 - 11
With upcoming speed week approaching fast, I took sometime this morning to calculate food requirements based on what highest house quality type is activated on your profile. If you have Q5 house activated, you will recover 50.400 energy, which means you would need 5.040 food Q5 and 5k weapons to shoot armed.
At current black market prices, you would need ~50g in food and ~220g in weapon Q5 to best use this whole energy at your own favour.

At current black market prices, you would need ~50g in food and ~220g in weapon Q5 to best use this whole energy at your own favour.

VikingsZVikingsZLordMarlockSenju KenshinAlcekktabКоментари (11)


voted o/

Muito bom!!

Nice, good job!

Nice, good job!

Nice, good job!

o7 great!

Good to know, but there will probably be a lot of bonus food and weapons in the event as well.

o7 sub

great work o7

Sell 400q3 food every day for 3g