Публикувано в United States of America - Политически дебати и анализи - 10 Dec 2018 07:59 - 29

The Government of the United States would like to announce to the world that our great nation is officially open to full scale immigration!
Is your country inactive?
Is your country occupied by foreign aggressors?
Do you want to be in a country with an active community?
Do you want to build your account in the best way possible?
Get U.S. Citizenship, today!

No trade barriers - The United States of America has no active trade embargoes.
World Market Centre - Buy, or sell products on our market. The U.S. is the capital of global trade. It is the most active marketplace in the world, with prices similar to the ones on the black market. Also, unlike the black market, you get your products, or money, instantly, without a chance of getting scammed. The U.S. currency is stable at all times, and one of the cheapest currencies in the world.
Highest industry profile in the world - The country owns 100% bonuses on all 3 resources. With our cheap currency, and manager tax of only 1 USD per company for the U.S. citizens, it is an economic heaven for bussinesmen.
Universal Social Care - Social care is common and easily available to all citizens.
The Government offers 30% istance for training ground upgrades (all levels, except 5th) through 1-month loans.
All the U.S. citizens who establish, or upgrade, their companies in the United States of America, are eligible for the refund of 5% of their investment.
Opportunity to work for weapons, instead of currency.
Supply - In times of war the Government will be offering cheap weapons to all the U.S. citizens.

If you want to experience what does it feel like to win on the battlefield, and enjoy the greatest community in the game, get the U.S. Citizenship, today!

Secretary of Education, Interior and Homeland Security
CypherAinzDieselPeaky BlinderRomeroAlcekPunisherBRКоментари (29)


Looks nice, vote

Make America Great Again

Looks cool...o7

Is your country occupied by foreign aggressors? Do you mean Bulgaria your ally? Or even USA? 

Nice one Gerachi o7


Fake media. Marlock was here

Is your country occupied by us or our ally? Then join us TODAY! lmao

only bad thing about usa , is their allies , neeeext

second strongest military unit in the world*
everyone knows that KFC is the strongest
KFC o7

America ? No thanks !


is it another troll ? XD


How about Trump?¡

Nice one! O7 o7 o7

jajaja nope, Trump is a bad boy 

Nice graphics

@Facebook Are you kidding me? Are you a clown? Are you a joker?


@ Gerachi, I hope the real USA Government doesn t sue you for using their logos
... USA USA USA !!!
Na you are doing pretty good job bru. Keep it up

Trump knows about this !?!?!?!

@A333 Sshhh

fuuu no bonuses! bulgaria is always stronger ! join bulgaria only real power of erevollution!

I need a green card and a big butt pls

Give me real US CS. This is a only game.