Публикувано в Greece - Военни анализи - 08 Dec 2018 10:25 - 16
After most of our campaigns are finaly closing and new enemies and friends are appearing all around us. I decided to make a small article to honor our best fighters. Though i personally thank everyone out of the top 10 for their amazing effort and kind heart, i think some extra tribute shold be paid to the people that really gave it their all !
I have to make some exceptions to this list, because most of the damage that our No 2 player has done was in his previous country and not Greece, nontheless i really thank him for coming here and supporting us.
As President of Greece i give the Golden Cross to Grouv0
For the highest damage participation in our country and great service to our nation. Congrats ! o7
I reward our beloved ex-Prime minister with the Iron Cross, Congrats The King
For his great survice to our nation, both in damage and in goverment o7
And last but no least i want to reward our current MoFA for his great performance Petros2 with nothing less than the Bronze Cross. congrats !!! o7

For his great survice and diplomacy as well as article writing he offered to his country ! Salute o7
I want to thank once again everyone included and not included to the top 10 list for their amazing effort o7
Hail Hellenic Empire, Hail Hellenic Army, Hail o7agma, Hail DarkSide, Hail myrmidons and Hail Phalanx o7

I have to make some exceptions to this list, because most of the damage that our No 2 player has done was in his previous country and not Greece, nontheless i really thank him for coming here and supporting us.
As President of Greece i give the Golden Cross to Grouv0

For the highest damage participation in our country and great service to our nation. Congrats ! o7
I reward our beloved ex-Prime minister with the Iron Cross, Congrats The King

For his great survice to our nation, both in damage and in goverment o7
And last but no least i want to reward our current MoFA for his great performance Petros2 with nothing less than the Bronze Cross. congrats !!! o7

For his great survice and diplomacy as well as article writing he offered to his country ! Salute o7
I want to thank once again everyone included and not included to the top 10 list for their amazing effort o7
Hail Hellenic Empire, Hail Hellenic Army, Hail o7agma, Hail DarkSide, Hail myrmidons and Hail Phalanx o7

petros2B I T E Rleonidas444DieselDamaChenКоментари (16)



Hail Greece! vote

Pepi is mentioned. V+


Hail Hellas ! o7

Hail Greece! Great job once again


Safer WTF!

Shame on u sacer, despite the fact that you won no medals, and are not even in the top 5 fighters, you put yourself in a golden frame on that list, a everyone else on a normal white paper! SHAME! Marlock was here

Όλοι μαζί να γουστάρουμε!
Λυπάμαι που θα σας αφήσω σύντομα...
Όπως και να χει, παίξτε για να γουστάρετε!
Μην κάνετε τα κουλά που έχουνε γίνει στο άλλο!
Χαβαλέ και να περνάτε καλά!
Υγεία πάντα!

@LordMarlock I wish marlock wasn t here 


Nice job guys