Публикувано в Croatia - Забавление - 07 Dec 2018 06:22 - 32
Hi all,
Just a quick intro on the great folks who have been handling the Croatian Government for the past two or so months. KUDOS!
Here are the faces behind the avatar!
manga1911 | Croatian CP
motorina | Prime Minister
Nemeton | Minister of Defense
Nebra007 | Minister of Foreign Affairs
mark00st | Governor

Just a quick intro on the great folks who have been handling the Croatian Government for the past two or so months. KUDOS!
Here are the faces behind the avatar!

motorina | Prime Minister

Nemeton | Minister of Defense

Nebra007 | Minister of Foreign Affairs

mark00st | Governor

TovarDanteShisuiBatko BatistutaNebra007ArgrobBik koji sjediКоментари (32)

I am leaving this country

I would too if i was you xDD

Mark00st sweety 


Kakve ste macke



zamini mangu i motorinu.. nezna se ko je gore prosa ja ili nebra


posteno sam se nasmijao 


Haos. Ja pomislio doći u Cro ali sada cu razmisliti 😂😂😂😂

dodi primit cemo te rasirenih nogu, ovaj mislim ruku

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ajde budalo 


Exigo inmediatos avatar en discord español de esta panda de locazas




WTF pa nisam dal tu sliku hahahahaha

Bordel ces horreurs

e nisam ja nikaj vodio, ja sam tu na biciklu neznam ni odakle u vladi

Hahah nice job

Very nice guys 

Markoo my love 

a gde je vama san protekšn


wtf haha

Mark00st so cute

Is this real ?
omg guys wtf what is wrong with u

You can participate in pride parades - but that s normal to be who you are and express yourself among same thinkers.
You can look kinda girlish and wear clothes making you look like one s girlfriend - your life.
You can even live in Balkans - you cannot choose where to be born.
What actually makes you gay is screaming about disbalance in MMO with unlimited donations open.