Публикувано в Ireland - Военни анализи - 01 Dec 2018 11:58 - 10

Greetings from the office of the President! Oró sé do bheatha 'bhaile!
Today I am happy to announce V-Day for Ireland and our allies! We have crushed the English threat to our great growing empire. We have forcefully removed them from our rightful lands.
I would like to thank our allies in this, and not just Axios Mortem. But our allies within Vendetta.
Thank you France! Thank you Latvia! Thank you Republic of Macedonia! Thank you Italy! Thank you Georgia! Thank you Mexico! Thank you all that have helped our country in our darkest hour!
This couldn't of been done without you lads.

Our country has fought long and hard. With the English retreat and the reunification with Northern Ireland upon us, I am happy to announce in the coming days we will have a 60-80-80 bonus for our citizens. This was hard to imagine with us stuck on a island tucked away with multiple powerhouse countries around us. But it has been done. With that being said, You'll never beat the Irish.
In the coming days we will be revamping our country economically and rebuilding. If you're interesting in coming to the Irish Free State, please let me know. We have much to offer from communes to a growing private sector. We will be offering gold/IEP (along with tax refunds and gold start ups) for new citizens, but this has yet to be finalized. Along with a hospital for out great nation, as well as multiple DS's will be placed for a strategic defense and planning.
It's a long game lads. We have yet to fulfill our great potential as a sovereign nation.
President of Ireland,
Bris/BryceKelly (The Irish Warlord)
Коментари (10)

well done !!!

Good job to everyone o7

Thank you allies o7


Nice o7


Hail Ireland Hail Allies o7

Thank you Boss, and thank you our great allies, now we can support you like you supported us................I salute you all o7

