Публикувано в Montenegro - Първи стъпки в eRevollution - 28 Oct 2018 12:50 - 6
You want an interesting game?
a lot of wars?
then you need to get Montenegro citizenship!
We are becoming a very active community...We raise companies to strengthen our profiles....
We are always in the battles and it's always interesting...along with it we hang out on our disord channel
join Montenegro!
and play the game how it is played on the right way!!!!!!!!
a lot of wars?
then you need to get Montenegro citizenship!
We are becoming a very active community...We raise companies to strengthen our profiles....
We are always in the battles and it's always interesting...along with it we hang out on our disord channel
join Montenegro!
and play the game how it is played on the right way!!!!!!!!
HarisharkoNarlindirMARIMARGerhardGerhardGerhardGerhardGerhardКоментари (6)

the beginning of a wonderful story https://www.erev2.com/en/article/1032


Crna Gora ka Monako!

Bolje biti mali nego prodani !
CG ka Monaco

montenegro in my heart

Ja znam kako - Crna Gora ka` Monako